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賽⾺會「⼿作確幸」⻘年⼯藝教育計劃 — 從⼯藝到⽣活 展覽及⼿作市集
Jockey Club "Handmade Wellbeing" Youth Craft Education Programme -
Exhibition & Craft Fair

日期 Period:03 - 08/03/2023
時間 Time

  • 展覽 Exhibition:03 - 07/03/2023 (12:00-20:00) & 08/03/2023 (12:00-17:00)
  • 手作市集 Craft Fair:04 - 05/03-2023 (12:00-18:00)
    **交易Transaction:只收現金 Only Accept Cash

    All proceeds from the fair will go back to the 20 participating schools to help sustain craft education.

地點 Venue
PMQ, Marketplace & Courtyard, G/F, 35 Aberdeen street, Central, HK

入場費用 Entrance Fee:免費 Free

簡介 About the Exhibition & Craft Fair:


來到計劃第三年,「手作確幸」團隊將於3月3日至3月8日在PMQ舉辦『賽馬會「手作確幸」⻘年工藝教育計劃 — 從工藝到生活 展覽及手作市集』,以及一連串工作坊及講座,向大眾分享學生的學習成果和推廣手作工藝。

是次展覽展出了學生於不同學習階段的作品以及三年計劃內所研發的教材,讓大眾一步一步了解學 生如何於「手作確幸」課程中透過雙手創作生活用器,以學習手作器物的「文化」及「工藝」;繼而學以致用,利用文化工藝知識及「創意」為特定的社群製作合乎他們需要的器物;最後,嘗試以手作工藝「創業」,於手作市集中推出自家設計及製作的工藝產品。學生於學習過程中獲得滿足感的同時,亦推動社會共融的文化,為他人帶來幸福感。


The Jockey Club “Handmade Wellbeing” Youth Craft Education Programme is a 3-year initiative launched by CUHK Department of Fine Arts in collaboration with Design and Cultural Studies Workshop and The Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence Teachers’ Association. Sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the programme offers cross-disciplinary learning for secondary students through craft-making to foster creativity from diverse cultural perspectives. Ceramics and Woodwork are explored within the contexts of Culture, Craft, Creativity and Entrepreneurship.

Stepping into the 3rd year of the programme, the exhibition and craft fair to be held in PMQ from 3 March to 8 March aim to share the fruits of students’ learning and promote the art of handicrafts.

The exhibition showcases works from students at different stages of learning, and the teaching materials developed by the programme. Students were taught the culture and craft associated with making handicrafts, and applied this knowledge creatively to forge everyday creations for specific user groups. Finally, they can have a taste of entrepreneurship at the fair by offering custom designed and made crafts.The process was satisfying and meaningful in promoting social inclusion and wellbeing.

Alongside student work, crafts from 29 experienced artisans and young instructors are also on show at various living spaces, offering a glimpse into artisans from different generations and how their crafts form part of everyday life.



  • 講座1—參與「手作確幸」的NGO及社企負責人分享
    Talk1–Sharing from Representatives of Collaborating NGO and Social Enterprise
    日期 Date:04/03/2023 (六 Sat)
    時間 Time:16:30-17:30
    地點 Venue:PMQ元創方地面廣場,香港中環鴨巴甸街35號
    PMQ, Courtyard, G/F, 35 Aberdeen street, Central, HK
    *以廣東話進行 The talks will be conducted in Cantonese.

內容 Content:



Guests are invited to share their views on how can art and craft making benefit he society and generate social impacts.

Free admission, first-come, first-served.
  • 講座2—參與「手作確幸」的師生及家長分享
    Talk2–Sharing from Teachers, Students and Parents
    日期 Date:05/03/2023 (日 Sun)
    時間 Time:16:30-17:30
    地點 Venue:PMQ元創方地面廣場,香港中環鴨巴甸街35號
    PMQ, Courtyard, G/F, 35 Aberdeen street, Central, HK
    *以廣東話進行 The talks will be conducted in Cantonese.

內容 Content:



Guests are invited to share their views on craft education in Hong Kong.

Free admission, first-come, first-served.

  • 「木作」體驗工作坊
    Experiential Workshops on Wooden Chopsticks Making

    ⽇期 Date:04-03-2023 (六 Sat)
    時間 Time:
    - 「⽊作」第⼀節 Woodwork 1st Session (11:00-13:30) 或 OR;
    - 「⽊作」第⼆節 Woodwork 2nd Session (14:30-17:00)
    地點 Venue:PMQ元創⽅地⾯廣場,香港中環鴨巴甸街35號
    PMQ, Courtyard, G/F, 35 Aberdeen street, Central, HK

內容 Content:

To make a pair of wooden chopsticks with local wood

*Participant has to be 18 years old or above
(Please refer to Chinese version for details.)
Free admission, first-come, first-served.
  • 「木作」體驗工作坊 (加開場次)
    Experiential Workshops on Wooden Chopsticks Making

    ⽇期 Date:07/03/2023 (二 Tue)

    時間 Time:「⽊作」體驗工作坊 Woodwork Session (14:30-17:00)

    地點 Venue:PMQ元創⽅地⾯廣場,香港中環鴨巴甸街35號
    PMQ, Courtyard, G/F, 35 Aberdeen street, Central, HK

1. 工作坊只限18歲或以上人士參加
2. 每位參加者只可選擇參加其中一節工作坊
3. 製作過程將會接觸木材和金屬工具,請聽從講解指示,避免受傷
4. 製作過程會有木材碎屑飛揚,請穿著合適服裝,有需要可自備圍裙
5. 活動進行中必須全程帶上口罩,並且不能進食
6. 請束起長頭髮以避免受傷
7. 請勿穿著露趾鞋以避免受傷
8. 主辦方保有最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利
9. 參加者必須遵守大會防疫措施及安排,活動有機會因應疫情及政府防疫措施而更改,請密
切留意Facebook 或 Instagram 專頁(@handmade.wellbeing)有關最新情況

  • 「陶藝」體驗工作坊
    Experiential Workshops on Ceramics Bowl Making
    日期 Date:05/03/2023 (日 Sun)
    時間 Date:
    -「陶藝」第一節 Ceramics 1st Session (12:00 – 14:00) 或 OR;
    -「陶藝」第二節 Ceramics 2nd Session (14:30 – 16:30)
    地點 Venue:PMQ元創方地面廣場,香港中環鴨巴甸街35號
    PMQ, Courtyard, G/F, 35 Aberdeen street, Central, HK

內容 Content

To hand build a ceramic bowl.

(Please refer to Chinese version for details.)

Free admission, first-come, first-served.
  • 「陶藝」體驗工作坊 (加開場次)
    Experiential Workshops on Ceramics Bowl Making
    日期 Date:06/03/2023 (一 Mon)
    時間 Date:陶藝」體驗工作坊 Ceramics Session (14:30 – 16:30)
    地點 Venue:PMQ元創方地面廣場,香港中環鴨巴甸街35號
    PMQ, Courtyard, G/F, 35 Aberdeen street, Central, HK


1. 工作坊只限18歲或以上人士參加
2. 每位參加者只可選擇參加其中一節工作坊
3. 製作過程將會直接接觸陶泥,如有相關的敏感病歷,請勿參加
4. 過程中或會有泥屑和水滴濺出,請穿著合適服裝,有需要可自備圍裙
5. 活動進行中必須全程帶上口罩,並且不能進食
6. 是次體驗工作坊只涉及「手捏陶碗」部份,上釉等步驟將交由主辦方負責
7. 陶碗完成後需再作乾燥、上釉、燒製等步驟,需時約三至四個星期
8. 陶碗燒製後,將再作通知,並需自行到指定地點取回作品
9. 陶藝製作受各種因素影響,主辦方無法保證成品能完全合乎參加者預期
10. 主辦方保有最終修改、變更、活動解釋及取消本活動之權利
11. 參加者必須遵守大會防疫措施及安排,活動有機會因應疫情及政府防疫措施而更改,請密切留意Facebook 或 Instagram 專頁(@handmade.wellbeing)有關最新情況